Tuesday, 22 May 2012


Dear All

In continuation, Chetana understood the need of creating database of its targeted groups. In this direction, Chetana, is utilizing this summer period for doing the community mapping. It includes the children with various disabilities, status of the parents, community resources and required supports. After this, the database helps to plan its rehabilitation strategies and interventions. Further it helps to formulate them into project proposals for getting matching support from the stakeholders.

Looking forward for doing more such need based training and rehabilitation so that the targeted groups can be made as the part of the community as an inclusion.    

All the Best  


Dear All

As posted earlier, Chetana is working for the training & rehabilitation of the children with mental retardation and other associated disabilities and could create significant impact in the lives of the targeted groups for which it is working. 

In this process, Chetana needs support to cater the needs of the identified groups and to reach several such groups.  Some of its major requirements include:

@ Land for its own establishment 

@ Development of the matching infrastructure

@ Furniture and Machinery

@ Resources for day to day running

@ Vehicle for transportation

@ Other associated needs.

With the use of technologies, Chetana has got updated itself in all aspects of legal, technical and finacial areas. It is getting ready to communicate with the stakeholders of Government, Private, Industries, Corporate, Foundations, Trust, Donors and othr Philanthropists.

Certainly, technolgy connects the people for sharing, support and to be part of the community.

It is lookng forward for getting support from all the stakeholders so that is can work for the empowerment of the targeted groups.

with thanks


Dear All

In continuation to its efforts, Chetana is working with various departments for getting the benefits to the persons with mental retardation, autism, cerebral palsy and multiple disabilities.

Some of the schemes for which it is working are as follows:

@ Pension

@ Marriage Incentive

@ Loan Subsidy

@ Health Insurance

@ Aids & Applicances

@ Other benefits / supports.

Chetana is extending such facilites for its inmates as well as to others who gets connected with it. Thsi tye of facilitation helps to reach the unreached with better solutions and further to move forward with better mobility, access & capacities.

Chetana is looking forward to get more benfits to the targeted group  and further to make them part of the community with equality & dignity.

All the Best


Dear All

Paretns of the children with special needs are the primary stakeholders to get solutions to thier childrens' limitations. In this process, such papents needs to be in tocuh with the professionals and rehabilitation centres.  Understanding this gap and requirement, Chetana is making its best efforts to connect such parents so that they can work as an active group for supporting thier children as well as to others living in the same community & surrounding communities.

In this direction, Chetana holds regualr meetings for the parents at its Centre and discusses various issues of trainng, rehabilitation, supports, schemes, benefits and other legal issues. The out come of this connectivity is significant and holds the parents to be part of their children' betterment both at School and Home environment.     

Chetana will be posting more and more on this blog so that the readers as well as others can get the beenfits of knowing and sharing for the benefit of others.

Looking forward for better connectivity with the paretns and othr family memebrs....

All the Best


Dear All

Understanding the needs and limitations of the children with special needs who could not reach the Rehabilitation Centres, Chetana made plan of vsiting them at community itslef. In this direction, it has got specific plans with the team of professionals to cater the servce support based on their issues and challenges. 

At thisstage, the parents and other family members were also got associated to understand and learn the process of training. This has got the additional advantage of supporting the children in the absence of professionals so that the continued training yield for better results. 

It is making visits to the selected communities on regualr basis and creating networks with the grass root workers so that the existing community workers and the infrastructure can be utilized for the activities of disability. Disability needs to be viewd as an integral approach with multidisciplinary interventions.

With this effective strategeis and interventions, Chetana is moving forward to reach the unreached with solutions matching to the targeted groups' skills and vulnerabilities.    

In doing this, Chetana needs support from all the stakehodlers. It is looking forward for better reflections and sharings so that it can update its capacities tuning to the given environment. 

with thanks       

Tuesday, 15 May 2012


Dear All

The National Trust is the Autonomous Body (under the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, New Delhi) is woriking for the Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities. It extends several schemes and benefits for these four categories covering all ages. 

One such attractive scheme is NIRAMAYA, an health insurance scheme which provides support upto 1.0 Lakh per annum. The prmium needs to be paid is very less i.e., Rs. 250 and Rs. 500 for income limit upto Rs 15,000/ per month and more than Rs. 15000 per month respectively. See more details at: http://www.thenationaltrust.in/

Chetana is is trying its best to provide this benefits to the targeted group with which it is associated / working.   

In addtion, it will try to get the benefit from other schemes.  

All the parents of such children can be in touch with Chetana to get such benefits and to work for better living of theri children.   

Looking forward ..

All the Best


Dear All

I continuation to its efforts, Chetana is moving with the concept of inclusion of children withspecial needs at all levels. It is concentration on the community mapping for identifying the Children with special needs, their skills, needs, challenges, community resources and vulnerabilites. It helps for planning further action plan and to to move forward with participatory approaches and interventions.   

In this direction, Chetana needs support form all the stakeholders and Chetana will be doing the needful in this direction.

Looking forward for better networking...

All the Best


Dear All

Chetana is moving forward to reach the targeted groupswith better solutions matching to theri skills, needs and vulnerabilities. It is going to widen its service spectrum matching to the needs of the community. In thisdirection, Chetana needs support from the stakeholders. 

Chetana has made a good beginning to be linked with the stakeholders so that the targted groups gets matching support and further to work for theri better living with better sustainability and quality of life (QOL).   

Looking forward for better sharing and reflections...

All the Best

In continatuion, we had the meet of paretns in the month of April.

The photo view along with Mr. Lakshmi Narayan Advicer, Mr Praveen, the well wisher, HSBC Bank, Hyderabad along with the Principal and Children is as follows: